Monday, May 28, 2012

new name + under construction

ever since our dog passed away, we haven't felt like much of a "zoo." so, we're renaming the blog "three southern stooges" (because, you know, we're so hilarious...)  working on the new look and will have it up shortly - you may run into construction but it shouldn't affect the posts.  web address will remain the same.   thanks for your patience :)

preview of (part of) our new header:
no more kisses, dada!

have a great week!


Lesley said...

I'm sorry for the reason behind your change, but I look forward to seeing your new template.

I hate getting a "no more kisses" block from Penelope. :) She needs lots of kisses, dammit, whether she likes it or not!!!

Stephanie said...

Haha, that's a sweet picture! Have fun updating your blog, but I too am sorry for the reason behind it. :(

Anonymous said...

I think it looks great! And I am also sorry about the reason for the name change. :(