Wednesday, January 11, 2012

overdue holiday pics + fitness: 1, me: 0

 hi all!  so... week one of my new fit lifestyle, I managed to injure my knee! trying heat and rest and hoping I just pounded too much pavement too fast. we'll see.  Scott's doing infinitely better with his training, though to be fair (to myself - ha), he was in much better shape to begin with.

anyway... contrary to what you might think from reading my blog of late, we did celebrate Christmas! here's some (adorable) proof:
mama and dada gave me tissue paper!

just kiddin.  look at my sweet drum they santa brought!

with my grandmother on Christmas day

everyone in the family opens Christmas Crackers and wears the silly awesome crowns

 I was so happy to get some pics with my sweet girl, the best Christmas present ever!  hard to believe that last Christmas, I was 9 months preg with her:

{same shirt.  less wrinkly/tired but also less crazy-happy face.}

thanks for indulging my belated photos. hope everyone's having a great week :)


Lisa Blair said...

You look great, Ginger! I love Clara and her drum!

Lesley said...

These pictures are wonderful-- especially the one of you and Clara. What a great Christmas. Clara knows just what to do with that drum!