Sunday, August 7, 2011

Vacay Part 2

breakfast tastes better in the ocean breeze


sweet girl passed out in the car on the way home

waterproof disposable cameras = the bomb

This video is long and we talk about all kinds of random stuff, but you can catch lots of CRAZY SMILES just in the first few seconds :)

Back to work tomorrow. So sad about that, but these 9 days (counting weekends) with my baby have been wonderful!


Stefanie Blakely said...

These pics are SO sweet!! We're taking Liam to the beach for the first time next week and I can't wait!!

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Looks like it was a grand time Ginger. Like the photo of the three of you.....we have many of one or the other of us and a baby.

Samantha said...

LOVE IT! And look at you rocking a bikini postbaby!

Lisa Blair said...

Clara looks like she is having so much fun! Y'all, too. I could use a beach vacation right about now.

Anonymous said...

Looks like such an awesome trip - I love that picture of the three of you, too! (And I have that same dress from Ann Taylor LOFT! How funny!)