Monday, August 6, 2012

very brief tips for a successful road trip with a toddler

1.  Don't go when his or her molars are coming in.

2. Chocolate chip cookies!


Lesley said...

I take it that tip #1 is one that you've learned the hard way? :)

Clara looks so beautiful!! And chocolate makes everything better. Even being stuck in a carseat for eons whie your teeth hurt!

Cindy/mom/nana said...

Who yielded their Panera cookie -- mama or dada?

Anonymous said...

So cute! I am catching up on posts and I cannot BELIEVE how big she has gotten. Her long hair is so cute!

Good luck with the molars!

Ginger said...

Lesley - oh yes. It was something ELSE!

Mara - she's thinned out some and I think it makes her look older. bittersweet (as you know)!